Pasadena Criminal Attorney

Sharen Ghatan- Lead Attorney
Over 20 Years of Experience Practicing Criminal Defense

Free Consultation



Possession Of Marijuana For Sale

California legalized marijuana for recreational use by adults over the age of 21, but with one important caveat: it is still illegal to possess marijuana for sale. Small amounts for personal use are acceptable, but selling them can carry serious...

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Why An Answering Service Can Help Your Law Practice

Running a successful law firm takes a lot of your energy and needs you to always be in your best frame of mind. When your phone rings, it can distract you from what you were doing, especially when it’s your office line. The way you answer the caller...

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How Can We Help? 626-689-2277 

Charged With a Crime?

Call us now to assess your charges and explain the difference a criminal attorney can make on the results of your case
