Pasadena Criminal Attorney

Sharen Ghatan- Lead Attorney
Over 20 Years of Experience Practicing Criminal Defense

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Unauthorized Practice Of Medicine

The heightened risk associated with administering incorrect drugs and treatments by unlicensed individuals informs the district attorney's decision to prosecute these cases aggressively. When individuals lacking proper qualifications engage in unauthorized medical practices, it jeopardizes the well-being of unsuspecting victims. These actions pose a substantial threat to public safety. Consequently, prosecutors work to ensure convictions to ensure accountability and deter others from partaking in similar activities.

In California, the unauthorized practice of medicine violates the Business and Professions Code 2052. Call the Pasadena Criminal Attorney for assistance if you or a loved one face these charges.

A Breakdown of Unauthorized Practice Of Medicine Under California Law

BPC Section 2052 squarely targets those practicing medicine without a valid license. You will face prosecution under this law if you diagnose, treat, operate, or prescribe for physical or mental conditions. The section states that engaging in or attempting to practice medicine without the required, valid, unrevoked, or unsuspended certificate constitutes an offense.

Prosecutors need to prove specific elements for a conviction. The elements include:

  • Absence of a valid license or certificate — Prosecutors must show you lack a valid license or certificate for practicing medicine.
  • Engaging in medical practices — Demonstrate your involvement in medical activities like diagnosing or treating.
  • Intent to practice medicine — Establish your intent by presenting yourself as a medical professional or advertising medical services.
  • Conspiracy or aiding and abetting (if applicable) — If collaboration occurs, they must prove your involvement in conspiring, aiding, or abetting unauthorized medical practice.

Can I face prosecution even if no one sustained an injury or suffered harm because of my actions?

Yes, you can. The unauthorized practice of medicine is often considered a victimless crime. It does not necessarily require a specific individual to have suffered injury or illness in a given situation for prosecution. However, the potential harm associated with these acts extends to the broader public.

The law deems this practice a crime due to its inherent threat to public health and safety. A valid medical license is required to ensure that those providing medical services are qualified and accountable. Unauthorized medical practices can expose individuals to:

  • Incorrect diagnoses.
  • Ineffective treatments, or
  • Even hazardous procedures.

While the immediate presence of a direct victim could not be evident in every case, the overarching risk to public well-being is enough for prosecutors to pursue a conviction.

Let us closely examine the elements of the crime in more detail.

  1. Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosis involves pinpointing an individual’s medical condition or disease through a thorough assessment of the following:

  • Symptoms — These are subjective indicators that an individual reports. They include feelings, sensations, or bodily changes a person experiences.
  • Medical history — This involves gathering information about your past and current health conditions, medications, surgeries, allergies, lifestyle factors, and any family history of diseases. It provides a contextual foundation for understanding a patient’s overall health.
  • Physical examinations — Healthcare professionals systematically assess a patient’s body. This comprehensive approach allows them to examine various body systems and identify signs of illness or abnormalities.
  • Diagnostic tests — These tests or procedures are conducted to obtain additional, objective information about your health. They could include laboratory tests, imaging studies like X-rays or MRIs, biopsies, or other specialized examinations. You will also be found guilty if you use blood pressure sleeves or other similar equipment. However, it does not include equipment for measuring a person’s height or weight.

On the other hand, treatment involves implementing medical interventions, therapies, medications, or surgical procedures to manage, alleviate, or cure your diagnosed health condition. The approach to treatment varies depending on your specific diagnosis. It includes:

  • Use of medications.
  • Lifestyle adjustments.
  • Physical therapy.
  • Surgery, or
  • A combination of interventions.

Note: Charges are likely if you use modern medication or unconventional treatments, for example, acupuncture or hypnosis, without the requisite qualifications or authorization.

  1. Physical and Mental Illness

In California, the unauthorized practice of medicine encompasses various activities related to physical and mental health. Rather than specifying particular ailments, the statutes focus on preventing individuals without a valid license from diagnosing, treating, operating, or prescribing for various conditions. The laws address a wide array of physical and mental issues, including, but not limited to:

  • Ailments.
  • Diseases.
  • Disorders.
  • Injuries, or
  • Any other conditions affecting an individual's health.
  1. The Practice of Medicine in California

According to the legal definition, engaging in the unauthorized practice of medicine in California requires holding a license. This means you must possess a California license to practice medicine. That means you could be charged even if you are a practicing doctor or licensed medical practitioner from a different state or country.

Importantly, providing medical services in California, even remotely or without being physically present, falls under the jurisdiction of California's licensing requirements.

If you provide medical services in California without the necessary California license, you could face charges for the unauthorized practice of medicine. The legal framework is crafted to regulate and ensure that individuals offering medical services within the state meet the required qualifications and adhere to licensing regulations, irrespective of their physical presence in California.

Practice of Medicine by Non-Physicians

California law mandates that licensed physicians or other qualified healthcare practitioners hold the majority ownership or control of a medical practice. Commonly known as the "corporate practice of medicine" doctrine, this legal principle is designed to uphold the professional independence of medical decision-making. It prevents undue influence from non-licensed entities, including corporations and artificial entities.

Simply put, corporations and similar entities are not granted professional rights, privileges, or powers in medicine. The goal is to keep medical decision-making firmly in the hands of licensed physicians.

Within this framework, specific healthcare decisions are exclusively designated for licensed physicians. This includes determining suitable diagnostic tests, making referrals, overseeing overall patient care, and establishing physician work parameters.

In addition, business and management decisions affecting medical practice are firmly under physician control. These decisions cover ownership indicators related to the following:

  • Patient records,
  • Staff decisions,
  • Contractual relationships,
  • Coding and billing procedures and
  • Equipment selection.

The doctrine explicitly prohibits certain ownership and operating structures. Non-physicians cannot own businesses providing patient care, physicians operating practices under certain entities, or management service organizations delivering medical services beyond administrative support.

Surrendering Your Medical License

If you voluntarily surrender your physician's and surgeon's licenses in California, you forfeit your right to practice medicine. Engaging in medical practice after surrendering your license could lead to charges of illegal practice of medicine.

For physicians, including those seeking retirement, you can surrender your license. Once surrendered, your license cannot be renewed, reissued, reinstated, or restored. You must undergo the reapplication process if you decide to resume medical practice. You must adhere to the current licensing requirements, which could encompass examinations.

Note: Voluntary surrender is not available if you are under investigation by the Medical Board of California or if the Board has initiated disciplinary action against you.

  1. Conspiracy or Aiding and Abetting

Conspiring to engage in the unauthorized practice of medicine involves two or more individuals deliberately planning or agreeing to participate in activities that violate medical practice regulations. This collaboration includes discussions, agreements, or joint efforts among individuals with the shared objective of participating in medical practices without the requisite licenses or qualifications.

Aiding and abetting the unauthorized practice of medicine entails actively supporting or encouraging individuals or entities engaged in activities that violate medical practice regulations. This involvement could include:

  • Facilitating the operation of a medical practice by unlicensed individuals.
  • Endorsing unqualified medical services, or
  • Knowingly aiding in actions that contradict established standards.

By participating in aiding and abetting, you assume an active role in promoting the unlawful practice, thereby subjecting yourself to potential legal consequences.

Fighting Unauthorized Practice of Medicine Charges

Mounting a defense against charges of practicing medicine without a license requires a strategic approach to securing the most favorable legal outcome. Choosing the right defense strategy is contingent upon the particulars of your case. Your defense attorney should guide you, ensuring the selected strategy is well-suited to the distinctive circumstances surrounding the charges against you.

Some of the common defenses used in these cases include the following:

  1. Your Actions Did Not Satisfy What the Law Defines as Practicing Medicine

You can argue that your actions did not meet the legal definition of practicing medicine as a defense strategy. This approach challenges the prosecution's case by questioning whether your activities align with the legal criteria defining practicing medicine.

In situations with uncertainty in the legal framework, particularly concerning certain alternative medicine practices like acupuncture, your defense attorney can argue that these activities fall outside the defined scope of practicing medicine. This defense highlights the differences between traditional Western medicine and alternative practices. Your attorney will present evidence or arguments to show the variance from the legal definition. The goal is to weaken the prosecution's case and establish a lack of grounds for the charges.

For personal trainers, this defense is also applicable. Since they focus on fitness, exercise, and overall well-being, personal trainers could assert that their recommendations are centered on physical fitness, exercise routines, and dietary guidance. Therefore, they are distinct from traditional medical practices. However, this defense is effective only if personal trainers are not involved in activities related to conventional medicine, like medical diagnoses or treatments.

  1. You Were Falsely Accused

Facing false accusations in healthcare can be disconcerting. You could find yourself wrongly accused of practicing medicine illegally for various reasons. Some include misunderstandings or personal and professional disputes. The intricacies of healthcare regulations and the nuances defining what constitutes practicing medicine can contribute to these situations.

You must have compelling evidence showing your compliance with the law and the absence of illegal medical practices. This evidence includes detailed records, communication trails, and documentation of your professional activities. Doing so increases your odds of successfully challenging the charges using this defense.

A key element of your defense lies in clearly articulating and demonstrating that you had no intention of practicing medicine illegally. Context and clarification about your role and responsibilities are vital in refuting these false allegations. Additionally, securing testimonies from colleagues, clients, or others who can vouch for the legality and legitimacy of your professional activities can significantly bolster your defense.

  1. You Were Licensed or Believed You Were

You can challenge accusations of practicing medicine without a license by asserting that you were licensed or at least genuinely believed so. This defense strategy involves presenting concrete evidence to support either scenario.

If you hold a valid, unrevoked, or unsuspended license to practice medicine in California, providing tangible proof of your licensure status is crucial. This includes presenting a copy of the license, official records from licensing authorities, or any documentation verifying your current licensure.

On the other hand, the defense could center around the claim that, at the time of the alleged activities, a genuine belief in your licensure existed. In this case, presenting evidence supporting this belief becomes essential. This could involve correspondence with licensing authorities, certificates, or educational qualifications that contributed to your belief in being licensed.

This defense strategy's effectiveness depends on the case's specific circumstances, the strength of the evidence presented, and the legal requirements. If there was a sincere misunderstanding or a legitimate belief in licensure, it could mitigate the severity of the charges.

Consequences of a Conviction for Unauthorized Practice of Medicine

A Business and Professions Code 2052 violation is a wobbler. You could face misdemeanor or felony charges, depending on the facts of your case and your criminal past.

If you are found guilty of a misdemeanor violation, you will be subject to the following penalties:

  • A maximum of one year in jail.
  • A maximum fine of $1,000 or both.
  • Summary or misdemeanor probation as an alternative to jail time.

If you are found guilty of a felony violation, you will be subject to the following penalties:

  • 16 months, 2 or 3 years in jail.
  • A maximum fine of $10,000 or both.
  • Formal or felony probation as an alternative to jail time.

Impact of a Conviction on Your Profession

The Medical Board of California mandates licensees to self-report instances of being:

  • Charged with (or indicted on) a felony, or
  • Facing convictions of both felonies and misdemeanors.

However, the obligation to self-report misdemeanors hinges on convictions rather than charges. In cases where a misdemeanor charge is dismissed in the interest of justice and does not result in a conviction, there is no requirement to self-report to the Medical Board.

Failure to fulfill the mandated self-reporting obligations outlined by the Medical Board of California could result in significant penalties. These penalties include fines of up to $5,000. Furthermore, your non-compliance could trigger disciplinary measures initiated by the Medical Board.

  1. When You Have a License

If you hold a license, the board is inclined to suspend or revoke it, contingent on the specifics of your case. The decision hinges on the details, carefully evaluating factors like the gravity of your offense, its impact on public safety, and your fitness for the profession.

In scrutinizing disciplinary actions, licensing boards weigh aggravating and mitigating factors for an informed response. Here are tailored examples:

Aggravating Factors:

  • The gravity of your committed offense.
  • A history of similar offenses.
  • Any harm caused to patients or the public.
  • Deliberate actions or involvement in fraudulent activities.
  • Failing to show remorse or accept responsibility.

Mitigating Factors

  • Proactively remedying the situation, like engaging in rehabilitation programs.
  • Full cooperation with the investigation and a commitment to rectify issues.
  • Viewing the offense as an isolated incident, not a pattern, garners more leniency.
  • Good character references and a history of good conduct.
  • Evidence of personal growth, rehabilitation efforts, and preventive measures for future misconduct.

These factors are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, with their weight varying based on the specifics of your situation.

  1. When Renewing Your License

When you renew your license, it is standard practice for the Medical Board to require disclosure of any convictions from the previous year. This disclosure is crucial to assessing your fitness and suitability for practicing in your profession, as determined by regulatory bodies.

The call for disclosure during the license renewal process is comprehensive. It covers a broad range of legal situations. Reportable convictions include any crime, regardless of jurisdiction. This includes:

  • Deferred entries of judgment.
  • No contest pleas.
  • Convictions set aside or deferred, and
  • Specific infraction convictions, for example, those related to controlled substances or those involving a fine of at least $300.
  1. When Applying for a License

Medical practitioners are held to a higher standard, and it should not surprise you if a criminal past impacts your license application. However, there is a chance for the board to reassess its decision if they find your rehabilitation reports convincing.

The board is inclined to deny a license when the crime committed is directly tied to medical practice, like the illegal practice of medicine. The nature of the offense significantly influences the board's decision-making process, with crimes closely associated with the medical field raising grave concerns.

Related Offenses

  1. Unauthorized Prescription of Medical Marijuana

In California, despite the broad legalization of marijuana for both recreational and medicinal use, the act of consuming it is intricately tied to specific legal provisions. One prominent regulation is Proposition 215, also known as the "Compassionate Use Act," enacted in 1996 through a voter initiative. This law was instrumental in legitimizing the medical use of marijuana within the state.

To prescribe medical marijuana in California, you must satisfy specific criteria. You must be a licensed California physician or the designated caregiver under the Medical Marijuana Identification Card Program (MMICP).

  1. Unauthorized Use of Letters and Titles

Using titles like "doctor" or "physician," the letters "Dr.," "M.D.," or any indication suggesting you are a physician and surgeon without a valid, unrevoked certificate is a crime under the Business and Professions Code Section 2054 in California. Misdemeanor charges could be on the cards.

However, there are exceptions:

  • Postgraduate trainees — Enrollees in a board-approved postgraduate training program who graduate from recognized medical schools.
  • Uncertified graduates — Graduates without a certificate as a physician or surgeon. However, they should have an active license elsewhere without revocation or suspension. Additionally, they should refrain from extensive holding out as physicians in California and avoid prohibited acts outlined in Section 2060.
  • Authorized individuals —Those permitted to practice medicine under Sections 2111 or 2113, following the limitations specified in these sections.

BPC 2111 sets out the rules for non-citizen physicians seeking postgraduate study in approved medical schools or academic medical centers. It introduces the concept of "visiting fellows" and covers the application process, limitations on medical practice, and the non-applicability of visiting fellowship time toward licensure. This law also addresses complaint procedures, disciplinary actions leading to termination of approval, and the inclusion of US citizens with foreign medical degrees in the program.

On the other hand, BPC 2113 details the criteria for granting a registration certificate to individuals not immediately qualifying for a physician’s or surgeon’s certificate. It focuses on those offered a full-time faculty position by an approved medical school or academic medical center in the state. This law details the application process, qualifications, restrictions on medical practice, and renewal protocols.

Find a Criminal Defense Attorney Near Me

Engaging in the unlicensed practice of medicine can lead to severe consequences. The consequences are legal, professional, and personal. Depending on the jurisdiction and case specifics, this serious offense could result in criminal charges with potential fines, probation, or even imprisonment.

Professionally, your license is at risk. The California Medical Board could take actions ranging from suspension to complete revocation or imposing restrictions. Civil liability is another concern. Those harmed by unauthorized medical practice could pursue legal action, seeking damages for any injuries or losses incurred.

Additionally, the repercussions extend to your reputation, making it difficult to rebuild trust within the industry. The impact on future employment in healthcare or related fields can be substantial.

If facing charges, seek legal advice and representation from the Pasadena Criminal Attorney. We will help mitigate potential impacts on both your personal life and professional career. Contact us at 626-689-2277 for further assistance.

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